T.A.P. Therapies For Dogs


The core therapies included in the T.A.P. program are proven safe and effective. The cornerstone of the program is immunotherapy by T-cyte. We also supplement the key components needed for healthy joints and add natural anti-inflammatories to provide improved mobility to struggling seniors. Often we can avoid the need for potentially toxic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs.

The program includes:

  1. - An initial veterinary exam and baseline bloodwork is done to check for issues other than arthritis.

  2. - 5 weekly initial loading doses, followed by a monthly injection of LTCI by T-Cyte Therapeutics. This has been our single most effective modality for chronic arthritis pain available as a stand alone therapy. LTCI utilizes the immune system’s influence on dampening inflammation via T lymphocyte regulation.

  3. - Adequan injections are given weekly for the first month, and then patients are moved to a bi-weekly injection schedule after the initial loading doses. These injections enhance the production of necessary components needed for healthy joints. Studies also indicate they may shield the joints from progressive deterioration.

  4. - Nordic Naturals Fish Oil is provided as the industries most trusted source for omega fatty acid (OFA) supplementation. OFAs reduce inflammatory signals in the body and are converted resolvins that actively reduce inflammation.

  5. - Vetriflex from the Vetriscience ProLine combines naturally produced anti-inflammatory agents including glucosamine, Boswellia, Curcumen, and Green Lip Muscle.

  6. - During each visit force plate data will be collected and used to help evaluate continued function. Monthly progress reports are provided to owners and their regular veterinarian.